Premium Grade Blend Ideal for Jura Espresso Machines

We now have our own line of 100 percent Arabica coffee beans! They were made out of passion and care for our customers and their machines. They work best for high quality machines. These beans are not as oily and as such, they do well with machines like Jura.

What Coffee Bean Roasters Mean By 100% Arabica | Javatino

Origin: Peru, Brazil, Uganda (100% Arabica)

Taste: Balanced, strong bodied and low acidity

Labeling: A picture of the The Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps. QCS was started by a father and son duo from Switzerland. The label represents their connection to Switzerland and what it represents. Switzerland is known for it's beauty and craftsmanship. And leave it to the Swiss to produce quality.


Medium-Dark Roast
