Over the past year, we’ve had to make countless compromises in our day-to-day living. We’ve lost our vacation privileges, our ability to mix and mingle in any restaurant or social setting of our choosing – and date nights at the local cinema are a thing of the past. The only measurable upside to this new normal is the financial gain born out of these losses. Yes, there have been some substantial savings as a result of 2020’s many restrictions i.e. the absence of social and recreational indulgences.

More than ever before, our home is our castle – our safe harbour – our refuge. Many of us have made it our mission to create an even more sustainable and inviting environment that lends itself to cocooning. For Canada’s diehard coffee aficionados, there couldn’t be a better time to up your household espresso game and invest in something that will further elevate your greatest comfort zone – your home. After all, you deserve it.

With all of the downsides that accompanied 2020, we have all been are all desperately searching for that silver lining. That came in the form of baking our own bread, working our way through Netflix, DIY home (and home office) renos, and decorating the Christmas tree a little (ok, a lot) early. As we settle into 2021, wouldn’t the next logical step be the addition of a gleaming, leading edge home espresso machine for work, and for play?

Because the truth is, we still have to work – many of us from home. But that impressive appliance in the corner of your kitchen countertop can replace those feelings of remote-work dread with thoughts like ‘you know, I should really consider opening my own café.’ The thrill you’ll get from becoming a self-proclaimed barista will make operating your espresso machine feel like an amusement park ride. When social distancing is in our rear-view and Canada is finally able to reopen its homes and its households to friends and family, you’ll be the “host with the most espresso”.

And can we talk about play? Dinner these past months has been at times, a less-than-satisfying experience. Once upon a time, fine dining might have included a steaming, gourmet cappuccino as the finishing touch to your perfect Italiano night out. Well, it turns out you don’t have to sacrifice that little extravagance on a night in. Enter your trusty, professional grade espresso machine, standing at the ready. Yep, machines like that were made for nights like this. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that many of the super-automatic espresso machines that we carry at Quality Coffee Systems boast technology so sophisticated that your only involvement need be the press of a button (and the choice of bean, of course).

We at Quality Coffee Systems are Canada’s household espresso machine supplier when it comes to the best of the best. We are your most trusted resource for all things coffee-based and your experienced guide in the decision-making process of such a significant purchase. The only thought you’ll be left with is why it took a year like 2020 to convert you.